Droidcon India 2014

Droidcon India’s fourth edition

Rudi MK


Mobile Chrome Apps - HTML5 mobile apps done right?

Submitted Nov 24, 2014

The objective of this session is to introduce people to Mobile Chrome Apps, a relatively new project from the Chromium team, that allows you to package Chrome Web Apps, for Android, among other platforms. We’ll talk about how PhoneGap didn’t work out, how the Mobile Chrome Apps initiative solves the performance problem web devs face, and we’ll explore a couple of short demos.


  1. We’ll start off with a very brief note on where the PhoneGap project is right now, and we’ll talk about the biggest reason it didn’t pick on - performance.
  2. That should lead on to a gentle and crisp introduction to Chrome Apps, and how they’re not all that different from a typical web app.
  3. We’ll them move to the Mobile Chrome Apps project, how it works on top of Cordova, and how it solves the performance issue. We’ll also talk about the three major components of MCA, and how they work in tandem with each other.
  4. We’re then going to do two short demos, with apps that I’ve written using MCA. Source code will be provided, as well as detailed dive into how it all came together.
  5. We’re finally going to conclude with how MCA, mixed with things like Cordova, Famo.us and backends like Parse or CloudEngine, can actually mean that finally, web devs can easily build awesome experiences for mobile, using what they already know and love.


Nothing, really.

Speaker bio

I’m Rudraksh. I’m more of a computational mathematician, but using mobile devices for scientific computing excites me, which led to this talk. I’ve co-founded a startup named MathHarbor which is now evolving into a non-profit entity for spreading awareness on open-source technical computing. I currently am a part of HasGeek, looking after tech and community outreach.




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