Droidcon India 2014

Droidcon India’s fourth edition

Gulzar Azad


M.A.W.A- Multimodal Access Ware Android

Submitted Nov 21, 2014

Talk about new User Experience challenges and opportunities, and propose a solution framework for more meaningful user interactions and upcoming concepts.


An App for everything you can think of, and yet many more to come. As the android world gains maturity and more user needs get addressed by 1 or more, personal or shared, devices, the challenges are fast evolving for the users, developers and networks.
I will make a attempt to answer and give a perspective on following questions,

  • What are some of these key challenges?
  • Are developers, product managers and user interface engineers focussing sufficiently on them?
  • Largely what categories can these problems be funneled into?
  • What are some examples in Indian app landscape of both the challenges and solutions?
  • Could these be translated into new ideas / solutions?

Will present my musings and ideas on evolution of user experiences in context of network access, user interactions, app to app communication, screen sharing and device roaming.
And propose a solution framework (in beta):
Multimodal Access Ware Android

Speaker bio

Gulzar Azad Leads Google internet access - strategy and investments in India.
Last 8 years at Google, helped create partnership ecosystem for Google Search, Mobile products and Android in India and Apac.



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