Droidcon India 2014

Droidcon India’s fourth edition

Sukesh Soman


App Testing, CI & Automation

Submitted Oct 21, 2014

Demonstrate the benefits of a mobile test strategy, a continuous integration tool and how to use an app test automation framework


Lot of developers & organizations run into issues when they start releasing updates for their apps. This talk will open them to the world of continuous integration, test automation, how to start & benefits.

The CI & Test Automation framework is one which we have found increasingly useful within our organization as there are constant updates to the apps based on customer requirements and the developer was loosing focus on his primary job - development. This completely Open Source based framework, allows the developer to concentrate on development and leave the orchestration of other tasks to a well defined process.

The demos will show case a continuous integration tool being used to control the build/test/provision/deploy phases of a mobile app, along with an appropriate reporting framework. It will also cover behavior driven testing/development and its benefits.



Speaker bio

I am a software engineer with close to 12 years of IT experience. I started off as a backend developer working on C++/Unix & Oracle. Over the years I made my way to the middleware area and SOA (using Java) and for the past 1.5 years I am working on Mobile Solution Architecting. My interests are in automation, UX, security testing and solution architecting.

I currently work with Torry Harris Business Solutions and Head the Mobility wing here. I have been with THBS since 2008 and my current role focuses particularly on Enterprise mobility.

  • in.linkedin.com/pub/sukesh-soman/5/9a0/44/




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