Feb 2014
24 Mon
25 Tue
26 Wed
27 Thu
28 Fri 08:55 AM – 09:40 AM IST
1 Sat
2 Sun
Feb 2014
24 Mon
25 Tue
26 Wed
27 Thu
28 Fri 08:55 AM – 09:40 AM IST
1 Sat
2 Sun
Pranav Mishra
We are joining the event because we believe in a change & we also believe its only the Construkt Festival where we can begin with our #nextbigthing. Anyone attending our talk would be intrested in us as we are launching our startup their which is about making school’s digital initially in India with [(social)pardon (Smart)network] = Smart network.
At Scholarlane we plan to put every school intially in India with their own Private Smartnetwork . Where , students can interact communicate with their batchmates upon their own official network for their school under one domain http://www.[scholarlane.com]/@xyz_school . This, platform will also help Alum’s staying interconnected with their batchmates as today many of them don’t want to reveal their identity on other Social Networking site hence the communication break’s in between we are actually solve this key problem where we plan to connect number of schools with our SmartNetwork via Webapp+ Mobileapp(Android/IOS) as the most user belong’s to Android we first plan to come up with Android app & a webapp .After our milestone we next plan to touch Asian Market starting from Singapore. The best part out of all of these is the smart network will be completely free for any school we connected to. We are also in plans to partner with Indian MHRD department so that we could reach number of users just from India as we wish to see every school being digital through our network. And we do have the perfect combination of ‘Potential + Confidence’ to make things happen in a direction where it works because we better understand exectuion is what it matters in any idea.
We don’t have such requirements still it would be awesome if participants could also come along with their friends as we want to put this infront of more number of people so that everyone get’s an Idea of what is a Scholarlane.
Pranav Mishra started his journey in India with compaq preseario dekstop making websites & writing codes at age of 12 . At age of 15, he accomplished his misson to start his own startup with a name Youthgunz where team of 4 people started building websites for local shop in city & put their entire business online then he turned up 16 & was invited as deligate in Asia IT conference Mumbai & was also invited as Guest Speaker in Defcon Chennai (International Conference).He is a also leading Pileout.com . He is being followed by 2k people on facebook & as on twitter where he has 400+ followers. He built a mobile application for Bciitjee with a MOOC CONCEPT via Mobile app (https://fbcdn-sphotos-b-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpf1/v/t1.0-9/p417x417/1979550_4057095441746_585601446_n.jpg?oh=a2132f723c9c80319b6974edfb444ca1&oe=553D7F01&gda=1428658784_064f4a9810487b93ebf23fc2b70bebc8)which was covered by the local Media.He is a engineering student as well as an Entrepreneur who has done many of the projects for the college such as Netra & is also the co-founder of Innovation & Entreprenurship club in the college & also he is working on making India digital with his vast range of projects which he is doing to present to Indian Goverment like “Bharat Swach Abhiyan” & “Realtime argo product” as he is really passionate about computers & building something out of it which helps other in their day to day life.
Feb 2014
24 Mon
25 Tue
26 Wed
27 Thu
28 Fri 08:55 AM – 09:40 AM IST
1 Sat
2 Sun
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