Sep 2024
23 Mon
24 Tue
25 Wed
26 Thu
27 Fri
28 Sat 11:00 AM – 01:00 PM IST
29 Sun
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Not accepting submissions
Boundary Conditions: Reviewing mental models of hardware & softwareDescription All of us have some mental models around the hardware & software we use, e.g. “stack is faster, heap is slower”. Most of these rules/models have a good reason behind them - simplified abstractions allow us to think at a higher plane without being distracted by low level details. more
Art of Caching: Ways, Wins, Woes, Weird, WisdomTLDR An advanced exploration of war stories from building caching systems at a decacorn. more
ADITHYA L BHAT JOHNAIC: Cloud in Box.Description In this talk, we will explore a novel approach to distributed systems that redefines the traditional boundaries between cloud and edge. We introduce JOHNAIC, an affordable AI server that empowers developers with a seamless cloud-like experience without the need for extensive infrastructure setup or maintenance. more
Internals of HashMapTLDR Workings of HashMap Description A short talk on internal workings of HashMap. more
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