Anthill Inside 2018

Anthill Inside 2018

On the current state of academic research, practice and development regarding Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence.

Krishna Bhavsar


Deep Learning - An example implementation

Submitted Apr 17, 2018

In this talk I intend to showcase one of the problems I solved using Deep Learning framework recently. Resume Classification for a recruitment consultant agency. I shall go through the multiple approaches in which I tried to solve that problem, the obstacles I faced and finally how I came to the final solution.


1st Slide
AI vs ML vs Deep Learning
2nd Slide
ANN vs Neurons in human brain
3rd Slide
Example problems that can be solved using Deep Learning
4th Slide
Problem Definition for resume classificaiton
5th Slide
Formulation and generalization of a typical Candidate Resume
6th Slide
Intial Data modelling for the solution

  • Number of samples
  • Entity Recognition algortihms
  • Preprocessing
  • Working at offset level
  • Feature encoding
    7th Slide
    Journey to the final solution
  1. Start with a smaller problem - Try identifying only one of the Major entities by way of gaps
  2. Expand the input and the problem and change encoding – Identify gaps present in between all the major entities in the document
  3. Differentiate the problem and change the encoding back to 98 distinct features
  4. 2nd pass on output of the 3rd stage to augment the result of the previous step.
    8th Slide
    Final solution and final data model
    GATE + NN Multinomial(in two passes)
    9th Slide
    Insights in to the results
    1st Pass identifies smaller sized entities more accurately
    2nd Pass identifies larger sized entities more accurately
    1st Pass introduces lots of explicit ouliers, which are very much not related to general location and size of entities
    2nd Pass muddles with the smaller sized entity’s recogniton
    10th Slide
    Tools and technologies used

Speaker bio

Krishna Bhavsar has spent around 10 years working on natural language processing, social media analytics, and text mining in various industry domains such as hospitality, banking, healthcare, and more. He has worked on analysing social media responses for popular television shows and popular retail brands and products. His first commercial Tech publication was released worldwide in November 2017, titled, Natural Language Processing with Python - Cookbook with Packt publishing house, UK. He has also published a paper on sentiment analysis augmentation techniques in 2010 NAACL. He recently created an NLP pipeline/toolset and open sourced it for public use. Krishna completed his Post Graduate Diploma in Data Sciences and Business Administration from Great Lakes Institute, Chennai in December 2017.

Apart from academics and technology, Krishna has a passion for motorcycles and football. In his free time, he likes to travel and explore. He has gone on pan-India road trips on his motorcycle and backpacking trips across most of the countries in South East Asia and Europe.
LinkedIn profile -



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