Anthill Inside 2018

Anthill Inside 2018

On the current state of academic research, practice and development regarding Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence.

Puneeth N


Building IOT Data pipelines using Prediction IO

Submitted Apr 16, 2018

We showcase as to why we chose to build ML Pipelines using PredictionIO for our IOT solutions platform.
We delve into what PredictionIO is, and how it can help with integrating heterogenous sources of data.


  1. Introduction
  2. The Objective
  3. How we used to achieve it using Spark and Python
  4. What is PredictionIO?
  5. Why we chose PredictionIO?
  6. Our Learnings


Internet connection, projector, microphone

Speaker bio

Puneeth has a 4+ year background in technology but not your typical computer science story.
Graduate of IIIT Bangalore, Puneeth Has worked on multiple interdisciplinary projects since during coursework and even outside in the fields of bioinformatics, machine learning, natural language processing, data analytics, Backend technologies, Android etc.
Now he is a founding member and engineering lead at Cinqueon, a IOT Solutions Platform company.
Usually keep busy on weekends at Hackathons, Meetups or escaping the busy of city in nature with travels and treks. He is also a Big Fandroid, Deep Learning, Computer Vision and Artificial Intelligence Enthusiast.


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