Jul 2017
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8 Sat 09:30 AM – 05:55 PM IST
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Abhay Rana (Nemo) You don't need blockchainA short talk on why you don’t need blockchain. This won’t go into the details of what a blockchain is or how it works, but point out why blockchain is not the magical silver bullet to your payment problems and how you can survive without it. more
Technical level: Beginner
Asha Krishnan Digital Payment options for Rural IndiaThe Haqdarshak platform helps our partnering village level entrepreneurs - Haqdarshaks - provide government and private welfare scheme eligibility checking and benefit delivery as a last mile service to citizens across the country. Our services have reached 20,000 citizens across 8 states and still growing. more
Technical level: Intermediate
Madhusudanan BharatQR - Is it addressing the real BharatBharatQR has been conceived as the world’s first fully interoperable mobile based push payments product that works on the Payments card network rails. more
Technical level: Advanced