Building reliable payment systems and services

Building reliable payment systems and services

Abhay Rana (Nemo)


You don't need blockchain

Submitted May 26, 2017

A short talk on why you don’t need blockchain. This won’t go into the details of what a blockchain is or how it works, but point out why blockchain is not the magical silver bullet to your payment problems and how you can survive without it.


The talk can be summarized by the image in this tweet:

If you are a bank or a FinTech company not dealing with bitcoins or ether, you don’t need blockchain*. The talk will go over the details of when you should consider blockchains and when you are better off without them.

* - Conditions Apply



Speaker bio

I do tech and security at Razorpay. I’ve worn lots of hats at Razorpay, where I’ve managed to learn a lot about payments within India.



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