WriteTheDocs India meetup

Remote meetup of Documentation Enthusiasts

This meetup is part of a family of Write the Docs meetups and conferences focused on documentation systems, developer documentation, open source technologies, and information delivery. Write the Docs India meetup cares about making the user experience delightful by delivering excellent user assets. This meetup is for:

  1. Writers
  2. Developers
  3. User experience designers
  4. Learning professionals
  5. Information architects
  6. Documentation enthusiasts.

Share your ideas about how to make documentation great; meet peers who are passionate about software documentation.

Code of Conduct: http://www.writethedocs.org/code-of-conduct/

Participation is via Zoom: https://zoom.us/j/95342279387?pwd=bmt5OGZ3YmVrNzBzdXRrQVlqclRQQT09

For further information, tweet to us at @wtdindia

Hosted by

The India chapter of WriteTheDocs - a global community of people who care about documentation more