Music & Sound

The Music track of The Goa Project 2016

Music and the creation of pleasant sound is something that is an art by itself. Be it instruments, or the human voice the topic deserves a track all to itself - and is also a space that is still quite nascent in a country like India.

We are looking for topics around ... songwriting, managing and promoting your own band, musical instruments (there are some pretty cool things happening with tech there), discussions around music genre, sound engineering, discussions for and with audiophiles - even a bit around sound mixing or synthesizing and sound production (though a bit of the last one will come in sound engineering).

We’d also imagine you’ll have topics and conversations to share around singing lessons (maybe your experience with it - and if you figured out if you have the winning voice), discussions around music education, the impact of music on the soul and person, or even if you want to start a debate on different genres or styles of music.

If you have some insights around any of these, are would consider yourself an expert - or want to moderate a session (and invite some experts) please do.

Hosted by

#The Goa Project Funnel The Goa Project is an unconference - where unlike a typical conference, the talks are not put together by a panel or knowledge partner - but is proposed by the attendees themselves. You propose a session or talk that might be of interest to the audience at the unconference, … more

Anuraag Dhoundeyal


Sufism - what's the song and dance all about?!

Submitted Jan 15, 2016

The objective of the talk is to collectively understand and explore Sufism; but more importantly to sing, dance, and have a good time!


Today, everyone seems to be talking about Sufism. In this talk-cum-live-music-session we will explore Sufism through mystic poetry, lots of music, and movement. The audiences will get a peek into what Sufism is all about... how it became so widespread... and what, for crying out aloud, is the song and dance all about?!



Speaker bio


Co-founder of The Looking Glass, Anuraag has had decades of training in Hindustani Classical singing and has to his credit both, international and national performances. His expertise lies in creating interactive performances that engage the audiences in experiential ways.

Anuraag, with his co-performers, Priyanka and Karan, performs Sounds of the Sufis. SOTS is an interactive performance tracing the journey of Sufism from 8th Century AD to its present day impact on our everyday lives. The perofmance takes the help of 11 Sufis through the centuries, and has songs in 6 languages.


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Hosted by

#The Goa Project Funnel The Goa Project is an unconference - where unlike a typical conference, the talks are not put together by a panel or knowledge partner - but is proposed by the attendees themselves. You propose a session or talk that might be of interest to the audience at the unconference, … more