
The Entrepreneurship related track of The Goa Project 2016

Vishvan Saran


Importance of humanising businesses while adopting latest technologies

Submitted Jan 6, 2016

To show the importance of having a human side to your business and what it takes to ensure that a start-up from the beginning doesn’t get lost in technology and forgets to humanise their processes, for customers and for employees.


I will share ideas and insights on how I am building a community of illustrators and while everyone is busy automating their processes to increase efficiency I am busy humanising the processes to increase efficiency and build trust with the use of technology.

Speaker bio

Vishvan Saran ran a sports management company (SPT Sports Management Pvt. Ltd.) for 8 years, taking time to build a team which could take the company forward, once that was done he then set out to set up a community of illustrators and designers under the brand name CanofJuice, where he runs collaborative projects with upcoming illustrators and already established designers to create lifestyle products and wall art. It all stemmed from wanting to combine great designs with great products and at the same time making sure that these products don’t fall under the luxury market. Good design should be functional and for everybody.
Brand story here - http://thecojprocess.tumblr.com/


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#The Goa Project Funnel The Goa Project is an unconference - where unlike a typical conference, the talks are not put together by a panel or knowledge partner - but is proposed by the attendees themselves. You propose a session or talk that might be of interest to the audience at the unconference, … more