
Design Track of The Goa Project 2016



Let's build something "unuseless" :)

Submitted Dec 26, 2015

Creativity can’t always be mandated or predicted. It requires experimentation, and often results in totally useless or outrageous ideas that might mean nothing of value. However, innovation requires us to keep moving forward and we eventually find some ideas worth pursuing! In this highly interactive and hands-on workshop, we will play around with one such technique that helps us build something of no apparent value, but is great fun nevertheless!


In this session, we will introduce the concept of Chindogu - the Japanese art of creating “unuseless” objects. The idea is to do some crazy stuff to create sometime of no value, but have fun creating new stuff, and who knows....something of value might come up!


Open space, lots of paper, coloring pens, cellophin tape, thermocol, cardboard, etc...

Speaker bio


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#The Goa Project Funnel The Goa Project is an unconference - where unlike a typical conference, the talks are not put together by a panel or knowledge partner - but is proposed by the attendees themselves. You propose a session or talk that might be of interest to the audience at the unconference, … more