Faster, Better, Cheaper - Together

Faster, Better, Cheaper - Together

Reflections on the craft and science of managing software projects

Pramod Biligiri

Pramod Biligiri


Exploring connections between project management and queueing theory

Submitted Jan 8, 2024

Date and time: Feb 1, Thursday, 7:30 pm IST
Venue: Online livestream

In this talk, Harsha Honnappa, an Associate Professor at the School of Industrial Engineering in Purdue University, will use his academic background to explain some concepts in queueing theory and probability. We will tie that in to project management questions like: Can I get this done faster, or cheaper? Should I have more slack for my team? Why is burstiness bad? And so on.

This talk should enable you to think more systematically about delays, variability, resource utilization, service times and so on. It will reference ideas discussed by people like Donald Reinertsen regarding product development flow:

We will try to run a queuing theory related simulator live to understand the concepts introduced, or look at some simulated results!

Harsha is happy to go off script if the audience has interesting questions or points to raise based on their experience. So do come armed with your questions :)

This session will be hosted by Pramod Biligiri.


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