Domain Name System (DNS) is the crucial and ubiquitous fabric of the Internet. While there are many parts to DNS, in this workshop, Swapneel Patnekar will dive deep into recursive resolvers. Most users on the Internet are unaware of recursive resolvers as the ISP architecture makes them obscured. In many cases, the ISP’s/users themsevles outsource their DNS to use / / etc

The choice of the recursive resolver is made by the ISP or the network the device connects to. In this hands-on online workshop, Swapneel will teach participants to install and configure a recursive resolver which will also be configured with a local copy of the root zone (rfc 8806).

Workshop agenda:

  1. Fundamentals of DNS
  2. Shift of the recursive resolvers
  3. DNS Resolver Centrality stats
  4. Configure a recursive resolver on your system with QNAME minimisation, local copy of the root zone etc
  5. Configure a recursive resolver for the entire network
  6. Best practices

Who should attend?

  1. Anyone running a network. In today’s world, everyone is running a network at home!
  2. Anyone who cares about the decentralising the Internet.
  3. Anyone interested in DNS.
  4. Engineers, programmers, system administrators.


  1. If you are using Windows Operating System, 64bit
  2. Administrative rights: if the device belongs to the company, the installation requires administrative rights. If you have administrative rights, please consult with them first if you are allowed to install DNS software. Ideally, don’t attend this workshop with a company-owned laptop.

About the instructor: Swapneel is network engineer and researcher working on DNS, DNSSEC, BGP, Unix systems and security. As a technical trainer, he regularly conducts workshops on DNS, DNSSEC, Routing, Unix etc. He is also an APNIC Community Trainer and a RIPE Atlas Ambassador.
Swapneel is also the Managing Director of Shreshta IT Technologies Pvt. Ltd, a company based out of Belgaum, building & securing networks of micro,
small & medium enterprises & network operators in Tier-II and Tier-III cities.

Participation: This workshop is free to attend. RSVP to participate. Zoom link will be sent to registered participants before the workshop.
Comments and questions can be left for the instructor on the Comments page. We will address these before/during the workshop.

Contact details: If you have queries about the workshop, call 7676332020 or write to

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