Call for round the year submissions for Rootconf in 2020

Call for round the year submissions for Rootconf in 2020

Submit a proposal at any time in the year on DevOps, infrastructure security, cloud, and distributed systems. We will find you a suitable opportunity to share your work.

Make a submission

Accepting submissions till 31 Dec 2020, 12:00 PM

##About Rootconf:

Rootconf is HasGeek’s annual conference -- and now a growing community -- around DevOps, systems engineering, DevSecOps, security and cloud. The annual Rootconf conference takes place in May each year, with the exception of 2019 when the conference will be held in June.

Besides the annual conference, we also run meetups, one-off public lectures, debates and open houses on DevOps, systems engineering, distributed systems, legacy infrastructure, and topics related to Rootconf.

This is the place to submit proposals for your work, and get them peer reviewed by practitioners from the community.

##Topics for submission:

We seek proposals -- for short and long talks, as well as workshops and tutorials -- on the following topics:

  1. Case studies of shift from batch processing to stream processing
  2. Real-life examples of service discovery
  3. Case studies on move from monolith to service-oriented architecture
  4. Micro-services
  5. Network security
  6. Monitoring, logging and alerting -- running small-scale and large-scale systems
  7. Cloud architecture -- implementations and lessons learned
  8. Optimizing infrastructure
  9. SRE
  10. Immutable infrastructure
  11. Aligning people and teams with infrastructure at scale
  12. Security for infrastructure

##Contact us:

If you have questions/queries, write to us on

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We care about site reliability, cloud costs, security and data privacy

Goutham Veeramachaneni


Grafana Loki: like Prometheus, but for logs

Submitted Feb 14, 2019

Loki is a horizontally-scalable, highly-available log aggregation system inspired by Prometheus. It is designed to be very cost effective and easy to operate, as it does not index the contents of the logs, but rather labels for each log stream.

Loki initially targets Kubernetes logging, using Prometheus service discovery to gather labels and metadata about log streams. By using the same index and labels as Prometheus, Loki enables you to easily switch between metrics and logs, enhancing observability and streamlining the incident response process – a workflow we have built into the latest version of Grafana.

In this talk we will discuss the motivation behind Loki, its design and architecture, and what the future holds. Its early days, but so far the response to the project has been overwhelming, with more than 5k GitHub stars and over 12hrs at the top spot on Hacker News.


We first start with the overview of logging and how current solutions don’t scale/work as expected. Then we move to the motivations that led to the creation of Loki and how it works. We discuss the current state of Loki and the roadmap and how you can start using it in your infrastructure.

We finally conclude with a demo of how metrics (Prometheus) and logs (Loki) can come together to help you debug your production issues quickly.

Speaker bio

Goutham is a developer from India who started his journey as an infra intern at large company where he worked on deploying Prometheus. After that initial encounter, he started contributing to Prometheus and interned with CoreOS, working on Prometheus’ new storage engine. He is now a maintainer for TSDB, the engine behind Prometheus 2.0. He now works at Grafana Labs on open-source observability tools. When not hacking away, he is either on his bike, or is binge watching GCN!


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Accepting submissions till 31 Dec 2020, 12:00 PM

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We care about site reliability, cloud costs, security and data privacy