Rootconf proposals for round the year in 2018

Rootconf proposals for round the year in 2018

On DevOps, security, cloud and IT infrastructure

Arvind Padmanabhan


Continuous integration using Python Selenium and Travis CI

Submitted Mar 13, 2018

Selenium is a popular tool for automating the testing of web apps and more. In this talk, we will learn how testing was automated for a live site, which is an open platform for crowdsourced technical content. The web app codebase is in PHP but automated testing is done with Python Selenium. For testing on the cloud, browsers are used in headless mode and Travis CI is used. The talk will include tips and tricks for using Python Selenium and designing test cases the right way.

Participants need to have some exposure to Python. Although the talk is focused on Python, programmers using Selenium with Java binding will also benefit from some of the content.


  1. We will look at the testing architecture and the tools used.
  2. We will spend a lot of time going through Python test code to learn first hand how to write clean code and reuse code via classes, methods and modules.
  3. Rather than just pointing out the different Selenium API, the speaker will share useful tips and tricks that he has gathered. These will include locating elements, scrolling, understanding exceptions, taking screenshots, working with forms, executing JavaScript, waiting for elements to load, pagination tricks, and more.

Finally, be prepared to ask questions. We will not have any boring slides. We want the session to be as interactive as possible. Experienced testers are most welcome to attend and share your knowledge.

Speaker bio

Arvind Padmanabhan graduated from the National University of Singapore with a master’s degree in electrical engineering. With fifteen years of experience, he has worked extensively on various wireless technologies including DECT, WCDMA, HSPA, WiMAX and LTE. In 2013, he founded Indian Engineering Design Forum ( In 2017, he founded ( He is passionate about training and blogging. In 2013, he published a book on the history of digital technology: . He is an avid programmer in Python, Django, PHP, Joomla!, R, JavaScript and C.



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