Rootconf proposals for round the year in 2018

Rootconf proposals for round the year in 2018

On DevOps, security, cloud and IT infrastructure



Ansible Best Practices

Submitted Apr 2, 2018

Ansible is an open source automation platform.

Ansible wants you to follow an easier path.If comes from development background, you’ll quickly note Ansible is not meant to be a programming language.

The idea with Ansible is you should be able to write some playbooks.

So In my talk i’ll explain Ansible Best Practice.


Ansible playbooks are meant to be minimalistic and simple, super easy to read, very little to guess about. A small number of concepts, not a lot.

Playbooks are about plain English, and i like to talk in plain English to. That means everything we do need to be simple to explain, and that means there should be one logical way to do something.

So In my talk i’ll share the best practices of Ansible.

Speaker bio

Ompragash Viswanathan is a highly Motivated Linux System Administrator and Automation enthusiast with strong Ansible skills who works as a Technical Support Engineer at Red Hat.


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