Rootconf proposals for round the year in 2018
On DevOps, security, cloud and IT infrastructure
Aravind Putrevu
Submitted Feb 14, 2018
“With microservices every outage is like a murder mystery” is a common complaint. But it doesn’t have to be! This talk gives an overview on how to monitor Spring Boot applications, since they are increasingly popular for building microservices. We dive into:
System metrics: Keep track of network traffic and system load.
Application logs: Collect structured logs in a central location.
Uptime monitoring: Ping services and actively monitor their availability and response time.
Application metrics: Get the information from Boot’s metrics and health via REST or JMX.
Request tracing: Use Sleuth to trace requests through a distributed system and Zipkin to show how long each call takes.
And we will do all of that live, since it is so easy and much more interactive that way.
I will start by giving a brief intro to the application which is to be monitored, then dive into specifics of monitoring. Entire delivery of content is done by a live demo.
Aravind looks after the Developer Relations function of India at He is a loquacious person, who has something to talk about everything. Aravind is passionate about evangelising technology, meeting developers and helping in solving their problems.
Previously, He worked at McAfee Antivirus as a Sr. Software Engineer in Cloud Security Domain
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