Principles of Project Management Flow

Principles of Project Management Flow

Painless and effective collaboration

Principles of Project Management Flow

Hat tip to Donald G. Reinertsen

Bad project management makes everything 10x worse. Good project management makes everything 10x better. This talk shows how anyone can go from bad to good by understanding a few core principles and following a simple structure.

Relevant to anyone who works in a team. It can be nicely sumarised as “How to Jira without losing your mind”.

Part 1: Principles

What drives good (and bad) project management, and how do we reason about visibility? We cover principles around these questions:

  1. How and what to track? 🔎
  2. Todo lists. Yay 🙌🏼 or Nay 👎🏼
  3. Unambiguous Priority. What does that mean?
  4. The thin and important line between busywork and prepwork
  5. What to communicate, what to avoid

Part 2: Practical Considerations

Principles only take us so far; we still must deal with Jira.

We will make sense of Epics, User Stories, Labels, Swimlanes, etc.

  1. What if you already have a project that’s messed up?
  2. What if you’re starting from scratch?

Q & A

Bring your questions. Bring your answers. Post your questions in comments.

About Swanand Pagnis

Swanand Pagnis is the CTO at CoLearn, Indonesia’s premier EdTech. He brings 17+ years of working (and non-working) experience with teams and companies of varying sizes and compositions. Talk to him about engineering excellence, CI-CD, and meetups any day. In his own words, “he eats org design for breakfast.” Follow Swanand for spicy tweets and a slice of life here.

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Principles of Project Management

Principles of Project Management

Swanand Pagnis

1 hour18 May 2023

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