Netconf 2020 edition

Netconf 2020 edition

An unconference on the technical, economic and social aspects of network engineering and infrastructure

srinivas kodali

@iotakodali Proposing

Effects of Personal Data Protection Bill on Internet Networks

Submitted Feb 7, 2020

The Personal Data Protection Bill has been tabled in the parliament and will be enacted over the upcoming year. The bill has provisions stricting critical personal data flow of Indians limiting it to the boundaries of India. Various provisions of the bill will shape the way data flows over the Internet and also poses new challenges to the industry in adapting to the upcoming law. A talk to explain how personal data protection bill will impact current practices of the network industry.


A full talk on personal data protection bill and the effects of it on how data flows will be restricted.

Speaker bio

A ideal speaker would be a lawyer or policy maker with background in technology.


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