Miniconf on Cloud Server Management (Chennai)

On costs, scaling and securing cloud servers

Kiran Darisi


Scaling zero to 150000 customers for Freshdesk

Submitted Nov 7, 2017

Freshdesk is the flagship customer support product by Freshworks that enables businesses provide seamless support to their customers. More than 150,000 teams across the world, such as HP, Decathlon, DHL, Henkel, Harvard, Schneider, etc. use Freshdesk to make their customers happy. Freshdesk is able to serve close to 300 million end users and has helps address half a billion requests every week.

Now, Freshdesk uses 2000+ Instances processing 2 million DB queries per minute. A sharded, 25 TB database that runs out of multiple regions, is managed by a lean team of devops engineers with a ton of automations.

In this presentation, I would like to share our experience in managing this growth with the help of AWS, and leveraging innovation to manage the infrastructure using a small devops team.


  • Then vs. now - How we went from a three-tier architecture to a much more complex and modularized architecture
  • Putting the business first - shipping an MVP and making it better afterwards.
  • Devops triangle: performance, cost and availability
  • Architecting for Chaos (HA, horizontal scaling etc.)
  • Monitoring at scale, not only performance (Delight metrics,cost, Newrelic, logging (2TB per day) etc.)
  • Taking intelligent risks - opsworks, Blue/Green deployments
  • Global is local (Multiple DC’s) - Multiple offices and multiple DC’s
  • Security is not optional
  • IaaS (Freshops, Superme, Dev productivity) - our own internal tools for deployment, monitoring and infrastructure abstraction for dev’s to move faster.

Speaker bio

Kiran Darisi is a co-founder and the Director of Technical Operations at Freshworks, a B2B SaaS startup which provides refreshing business software for the world. He was previously a Member Technical Staff at ZOHO Corp. Kiran has been with Freshworks ever since it was Freshdesk, and has seen the technical operations scale from 0 to what it is today.



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