Miniconf on Cloud Server Management (Chennai)

On costs, scaling and securing cloud servers

Shreyas Narayanan Kutty


Ansible 101 workshop

Submitted Nov 16, 2017

This workshop aims to provide a hands-on experience with Ansible for beginners.


This workshop aims to hands-on upon the following topics:

  • Ansible Basics
  • Inventory
  • Modules
  • Playbook
  • Variable
  • Playbook template
  • Condition Handling
  • Adhoc run
  • System Configuration
  • Application Orchestration
  • Cloud Infra management (Docker, OpenStack, AWS)
  • Creating custom modules
  • Ansible Vault
  • Q&A


  • Ansible (For major distros you can use package manager to install it otherwise use pip)
  • Vim or any editor of your choice (for creating playbooks)
  • A Centos7 or Fedora 25 Virtual machine is recommended, but having a bare-metal is also fine.
  • Attendees have network access to install packages over the network (if not have it pre-installed) also if want to try Cloud-Infra management which hit cloud provider API.

Speaker bio

Ramakrishna Reddy Yekulla

Ramky is currently a Principal Engineer with Red Hat with the Storage Engineering Group. He is also a contributor to the Fedora Project. Prior to Red Hat, he was an Independent Consultant, consulting in the Natural Language Processing, Machine Translation, Indic Text processing. He is a Free Software and OpenSource, Agile, extreme programming evangelist and is involved with the IndLinux project. Best Open Source Project, Linux Asia 2005. His interests lie in I18N and l10N of software applications. He has spoken at various conferences including the Linux Foundation Collaboration Summit, PyCon USA, Pycon India and SciPy India Conference.
He can be reached on IRC/ Slack on Freenode or OFTC with nick:: ramky / ramkrsna



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