Cloud Costs Optimization

Cloud Costs Optimization

Practical case studies, experience reports and tooling use cases from startups and enterprises



Ashoka Gajula


How a logistics service provider company saved 15% of cloud infrastructure cost in 50 days

Submitted Jun 30, 2023

One of India’s largest full-integrated logistics service provider. It works with AWS to enhance efficiency, availability, and scalability of its systems. In this session we will talk about how customer used AWS Cloud Financial Management best practices and to develop and implement robust cost monitoring capabilities that increased its cloud infrastructure efficiency and resulted in 15% cost savings in 50 days

Time needed for the talk
30 mins

Session Abstract
Audience will learn on how to reduce the overall run costs on AWS by

  1. Identifying Cost allocation of resources
    How customer leveraged AWS Cost and Usage Reports (AWS CUR) and AWS QuickSight to identify the cost allocation done to consumed resources which helped customer to identify surprise costs incurred immediately.
  2. Implementing Cloud Cost governance
    One of the most important aspects of cloud governance is to identify the resource owners so that they can work on their respective projects for cost optimization. How customer established and implemented a tagging policy to help relate AWS usage and consumption to resource owners, which increased visibility and ownership of costs and usage against the overall organizational strategy and value.
  3. Using the right AWS pricing strategy
    How customer purchased Savings Plans and Reserved Instances to further cost optimize with a right pricing strategy
  4. Identify idle resources and optimization opportunities
    How customer identified idle resources through AWS tools like t AWS Trusted Advisor and also optimized resources like AWS Lambda, Amazon EC2, Amazon RDS, Amazon CloudWatch, Data Transfer costs, AWS NAT Gateway

Notes for the reviewers
Slides are work in progress.


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