Build versus buy

Build versus buy

September meet-up

Sarika Atri

@sarika_atri Facilitator

Rishu Mehrotra

@gadgetmnky Facilitator

Bharat Joshi

@bharatjosh Facilitator

Birds of Feather session on Observability - build versus buy

Submitted Sep 25, 2023

The main focus areas to be around three key pillars:

  1. Context/dimensions, including metrics, toolchains, observability models, and pain points.
  2. Decision matrix, including requirements/wishlist; build/buy/hybrid; integrations -internal/third party; cost/scale considerations; short/medium/long-term solutioning; governance/cybersecurity; vendor <-> OSS; future proofing.
  3. Journeys/challenges - implementation; learnings; what’s next.

The basic framework for build vs buy for software stack considers following points largely:

  • Is the problem unique ? Already solved/partially solved/unsolvable ?

    • Cost: implementation, long-term tech debt; maintenance cost.
    • Timeline : Is the problem critical? Or iterative?
    • How does it impact the end business?
  • Risks of building:

    • Opportunity cost
    • Quality compromise
    • Tech debt and deficit
    • Economy of scale
  • Risks of buying:

    • Data forfeiture
    • Security/compliance concerns
    • Training for tool
    • Third party business health/market share/competitive landscape
    • Lock-in

Sarika Atri (Rootconf editor), Abhay Rana and Shine (Rootconf members), Bharat Joshi (Vunet Systems) and Rishu Mehrotra will facilitate the discussion.

The discussion will be off-the-record so that participants can speak freely. Chatham House Rules apply.


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