Rootconf 2017

On service reliability

Pradeep Hodigere


Simple recipes for building resilient and evolving infrastructure

Submitted Feb 6, 2017

Infrastructure at Instart Logic is evolving at a brisk pace. DevOps has been playing a pivotal role in its evolution. This talk covers our evolution, current technical challenges we face that are unique in the industry and a look at our processes/practices to keep up and ahead of this growth.


The talk would cover:

  1. Description of our infrastructure to serve the business need
  2. Evolution of the same over the years, the trade-offs made, which worked and which needed to be reworked
  3. Challenges we are working on today and forsee in the next year
  4. Plan to address our fast growth

Speaker bio

I’m an Infrastructure Architect, having worked in this space for 10+ years. I’ve had the opportunity to work at 3 companies, each with a distinct infrastructure layout. Yahoo! had the world’s largest infrastructure for many years, LinkedIn experienced hyper-growth, starting from a small setup to now serving a 400M+ memberbase and Instart Logic is starting to see strong growth.

We are looking to interact with others in the community who are solving technical challenges similar to ours and to exchange ideas.



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