May 2017
8 Mon
9 Tue
10 Wed
11 Thu 08:40 AM – 11:10 PM IST
12 Fri 08:40 AM – 06:00 PM IST
13 Sat
14 Sun
May 2017
8 Mon
9 Tue
10 Wed
11 Thu 08:40 AM – 11:10 PM IST
12 Fri 08:40 AM – 06:00 PM IST
13 Sat
14 Sun
Neependra Khare
Submitted Jan 15, 2017
Containers are now matured and becoming the detault choice to deploy microservices. We can bring our application up and scale up/down in no time with container orchestrators like Docker Swarm and Kubernetes. With DevOps, it is not only the Ops but the Developers are also interested to know about applications performance in real time.
But containers are ephemeral and due to their dynamic nature, they bring interesting challenges like :-
In this talk I’ll talk about those challenges in details and the tools which can help is tackling those chanllenges.
Neependra Khare is Founder and Principal Consultant at CloudYuga. CloudYuga provides training and consulting on Docker, Kubernetes, CoreOS, GO Programming etc. He is one of the Docker Captain as well and running Docker Meetup Group in Bangalore for 3 years. In 2015 he authored a book on Docker, Docker Cookbook. In 2016 he co-authored a course on Cloud Infrastructure Technologies at Edx for Linux Foundation,
He has recently launched a MOOC Container Fundamentals - Docker, runC, Rkt.
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HI, can i have more detail about challenges related to monitoring microservices?
Neependra Khare
@neependra Submitter
@yagnik I think quick intro and a demo are required for participants to understand the problem and then appreciate the solutions/tools which we will discuss. I have updated the abstract and outline. Let me know if you are still looking for more details.
I think it would be better to skip on the beginning part about scaling, microservices intro part cause that just distracts from your central theme.
Will you be telling us about how you solve each of those challenges ? Could you also provide some more details on what kind of challanges you want to talk about ?
Neependra Khare
@neependra Submitter
@rahulvit09 I do plan to cover Prometheus and in that we can have discussion around Pull vs Push based monitoring.
anand verma
Will you be covering Service Discovery and Pull Based monitoring tools which plays welll with Docker like prometheus?