Rootconf 2017

On service reliability

Neependra Khare


Monitoring challenges with containers and microservices

Submitted Jan 15, 2017

Containers are now matured and becoming the detault choice to deploy microservices. We can bring our application up and scale up/down in no time with container orchestrators like Docker Swarm and Kubernetes. With DevOps, it is not only the Ops but the Developers are also interested to know about applications performance in real time.

But containers are ephemeral and due to their dynamic nature, they bring interesting challenges like :-

  • collection of metrics, logs from containers
  • collection of metrics, logs from container orchestrators
  • monitoring of application running inside the container
  • distributed tracing
  • storage of collected metrics, logs
  • analysing the collected data and taking action

In this talk I’ll talk about those challenges in details and the tools which can help is tackling those chanllenges.


7 mins

  • Quickly go over the concepts of microservices and see how it is different from monolith application
  • Look at the monitoring of individual containers
  • Take a sample application delpoy it on Docker Swarm or Kubernetes
  • Scale up and down the application

13 mins

  • Look at the monitoring challenges which would come due to this dynamic scaling
  • Look at the native monitoring solutions with the container orchestrator
  • Look at how to monitor applications running inside the containers
  • Look at how to distributed tracing

15 mins

  • Look at how to store different metrics
  • Look at tools to analyze the stored metrics
  • Existing solutions/tools which are available for monitoring
  • Talk about different strategies for monitoring

5 mins

  • Q & A

Speaker bio

Neependra Khare is Founder and Principal Consultant at CloudYuga. CloudYuga provides training and consulting on Docker, Kubernetes, CoreOS, GO Programming etc. He is one of the Docker Captain as well and running Docker Meetup Group in Bangalore for 3 years. In 2015 he authored a book on Docker, Docker Cookbook. In 2016 he co-authored a course on Cloud Infrastructure Technologies at Edx for Linux Foundation,

He has recently launched a MOOC Container Fundamentals - Docker, runC, Rkt.



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