Rootconf 2017

On service reliability

Mayur Barge


Infrastructure as Code using Ansible, Jenkins and Testinfra

Submitted Mar 6, 2017

Over the past few years, one of the major IT trends has been Automation. Infrastructure as Code(IaC) is a practice which includes provisioning and managing your computing infrastructure through automation.
This talk aims to cover the importance/need of IaC along with deployment and orchestration of virtulized environment. We will look at Ansible, Jenkins and Testinfra in more detail and how best they work together to solve IaC needs of enterprise software.


With rapid adoption of Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery practices it’s important for developers to treat infrastructure as piece of software. I would like to emphasize on this particular point throughout the talk.

Here is the brief outline about talk -


  • Infrastructure as Code - What ? Why ? How ?
  • IaC - The Big Picture
  • Programmable Infrastructure
  • Imperative Vs Declarative Paradigm
  • Advantages of IaC

Workflow Components

  • Ansible
  • Jenkins
  • Jenkins 2.0 with respect to Multibranch Pipeline
  • Testinfra

IaC Implementation for Enterprise Product

  • Best Practices - Project Layout
  • Playbooks and Custom Ansible Roles with respect to Jenkinsfile
  • Testing Infrastructure using Testinfra
  • Testing Testinfra - Using virtualenv


Speaker bio

Mayur Barge is DevOps evangelist at Veritas Technologies LLC and is influenced by open source. With overall IT experience more than 3 years, primarily in DevOps, he has worked on CI/CD projects for enterprise products in Backup & Recovery domain. He is currently involed in ansiblizing entire infrastructure for enterprise product and end-end CI/CD pipeline for the same.



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