Rootconf 2017

On service reliability

Aditya Patawari


Deployment strategies with Kubernetes

Submitted Feb 2, 2017

This talk will demonstrate how to do canary deployment and rolling deployment and rollbacks using Kubernetes


Over past couple of years, we have seen and shown several Kubernetes demos where we present a single container. This talk is about managing multiple containers and talks about deploying in various secenarios. We will take a simple web application and perform deployments live on a multi node cluster.

Flow of talk:

  • Introduction to the cluster (5 minutes)
  • Deploying an application - first deployment (5 minutes)
  • Walk through labels and canary deploymemnt (10 mintues)
  • Canary passed? Rolling deployment. (10 minutes)
  • Deployment failed? rollback. (5 minutes)


Audience is expected to have basic knowledge of kubernetes

Speaker bio

Aditya Patawari is a consultant and trainer specializing in container technologies. He has given talks and workshops on containers and related technolgies in India and abroad (including Rootconf, FOSDEM, Flock and FUDCon). He is a contributor to Kubernetes project and to Fedora Project.


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