Rootconf 2016

Rootconf is India's principal conference where systems and operations engineers share real world knowledge about building resilient and scalable systems.

Aditya Patawari


Multi Host Docker cluster via Docker Swarm, Network Drivers and Compose

Submitted Mar 17, 2016

To build and run a multihost Docker cluster and to make the containers talk to each other over the network without using any external Software defined network (SDN).


Swarm is native Docker clustering solution. Compose is build-cum-orchestration by Docker. The problem is that Docker containers do not talk over the network across the machines without fancy SDNs. In this talk, we will see how to make a multihost Docker cluster and how to make the containers talk to each other. We will attempt to understand what we miss by not going with a SDN.


Audience must have started a Docker container.

Speaker bio

Aditya Patawari is a consultant and trainer specializing in container technologies. He has given talks and workshops on containers and related technolgies in India and abroad (including FOSDEM, Flock and Rootconf). He is a contributor to Kubernetes project and to Fedora Project.


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