Rootconf 2016

Rootconf is India's principal conference where systems and operations engineers share real world knowledge about building resilient and scalable systems.

Colin Charles


Lessons from database failures

Submitted Mar 1, 2016

Running MySQL? Replication is easy to setup. But how do you handle failover? How do you keep running smoothly over time. Learn best practices from the failures of others.


It is important to learn from failures at scale. When it comes to High Availability, people not only think about failover, they also think about geographical redundancy and the use of multiple data centres. In a case study format, find out why automatic failover may or may not be the best for you, learn how others do it, and figure out how improvements in the MySQL ecosystem like semi-synchronous replication helps you grow. What about backups? A case study even cites how a site went out of business by not doing backups properly. Security is another hot topic where there is plenty that can go wrong.

Speaker bio

Colin Charles works on the MariaDB Server at MariaDB Corporation. He has been the Chief Evangelist for MariaDB since 2009, with work ranging from speaking engagements to consultancy and engineering works around MariaDB. He lives in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia and had worked at MySQL since 2005, and been a MySQL user since 2000. Before joining MySQL, he worked actively on the Fedora and projects. He’s well known within open source communities in APAC, and has spoken at many conferences to boot.


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