Rootconf 2016

Rootconf is India's principal conference where systems and operations engineers share real world knowledge about building resilient and scalable systems.

Kishore Yerrapragada


Learnings from web app traffic management

Submitted Jan 19, 2016

Make audience leave with understanding issues in web application traffic management and best practices to apply to avoid those.


Front end of the web applicaiton that handles the traffic to the service has major impact on its user experinece. This involves load balancing,security,service performance management (compression, connection pooling, content based routing), scalability and availability. Typically these are addressed individually and in isolation. That results in increased complexity of devops modules and lack of coordination between functionality and people who own them. This session goes over all the pitfalls due to this approach and common best practices to over come some of the failures we see in handling these collectively.

Speaker bio

Speaker has 23 years of experience in building software that helps build better software. He currrently is VP of Engg in a startup that built advacnced application delivery controller for cloud applications. Prior to that he was leading the team at Citrix that built huge number of public clouds and some of the largest private clouds in the world. Earlier to that he was at Intel Security leading thier virtualization and cloud security products.



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