Rootconf 2015

DevOps and scaling infrastructure

Arunkumar S Jadhav


Sneak peek into the cloud deployments at FreeCharge & Snapdeal

Submitted May 8, 2015

Understand and learn about scaling of systems.


If deploying applications efficiently at scale is not challenging enough, technology organizations today are expected to cater to exponential growth and unplanned surges from get go. At Snapdeal and Freecharge, we face and overcome many such challenges on a daily basis. In this talk we would share some insights into our massive deployment scale and take you through one such journey of hell and back by the freecharge team. We found some technical nuggets during our battles and we are channeling them into building a Hybrid cloud platform that would apply these learnings and offer new paradigms of developing and deploying applications of such scale.

Speaker bio

I head payments and recharge infrastructure engineering team at FreeCharge. I’ve been a part of the journey that involved dramaticly improved customer experience and maniacal growth over the last 2.5 years.


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