May 2014
12 Mon
13 Tue
14 Wed 10:00 AM – 06:30 PM IST
15 Thu 10:00 AM – 06:30 PM IST
16 Fri 09:30 AM – 10:30 PM IST
17 Sat 09:30 AM – 06:15 PM IST
18 Sun
Neependra Khare
Submitted Jan 14, 2014
Understand what Linux containers are and how to package a given software using them. We would use docker ( to do that.
I am sure you would have faced the problem when an app you write does work on your environment but does not work on your client’s, co-worker’s or other environment. It may be because of some dependent software, configuration etc. How about if we can put all dependencies, configurations in a container and run it on different environment. Looks interesting .. the Linux containers are here to help you.
LXC ( Linux container) provides operating system-level virtualization not via a virtual machine, but rather provides a virtual environment that has its own process and network space. And Docker ( is a project automating deployment of applications inside software containers.
We would use docker to package some applications and run it on different environment.
Linux distribution with kernel > 3.8
For RHEL, kernel > 2.6.32-431
Neependra has ~10 years of experience in IT industry. He has worked as SysAdmin, support engineer, file system developer. Currently he is working with Red Hat as Performance Engineer and looking after performance for Red Hat Storage (GlusterFS) and OpenStack.
More details about him can be found at
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Neependra Khare
@neependra Submitter
Hi Sreekanth,
As I am proposing this as a workshop and would like to do handons on what docker can do in general and how it can be used to package and ship different appplications. I would share my experience at work as well. I don't have slides ready yet but you can look at following to get a feel:-
Also we did first docker meetup in Bangalore last week and might do a couple of them before the conference ( So if you can't wait to know more about till the workshop then feel free to join us in meetups.
Hope to see you soon. Thanks.
Sreekandh Balakrishnan
Hi Neependra,
Your proposal looks very interesting. Looking forward to see you at the conference. Reading your proposal i did not get a sense if you are going to share your experience of using docker at your work or in general what docker can do ?
Will be great to see a deck / slides of the same.