Rootconf 2014

On devops and cloud infrastructure

Nilesh B


Ephemeral environments

Submitted Apr 20, 2014

Most people work with multiple environments and each environment is someway different from another. Most often these accumulator properties (custom configurations) grows and left untested.
We can fix those configurations and also get more control on environments.


Ephemeral environments means all nodes/ servers of all kinds in an environment will be created and terminated on demand.

Ephemeral environments extends all benefits of ‘Infrastructure as Code’ (repeatability & re-producibility). In other words environments as code can also be tested by CI and leverage other automation advantages.

This highlights the bottlenecks in servers having longer shelf life in comparison with others, helps to add stateless configuration, new policies to such servers.
This also helps to identify the configuration differences across environment and automate/ fix the problem associated with environment specific configurations.

Most environments (except production) can be stopped/ terminated when not in function and thus save cost. Also helps in different kinds of estimates such as time to create new environment with specific topology.


System administration, provisioning

Speaker bio

I am an independent devops consultant.
I work with organisations for infrastructure provisioning, automate deployments, centralized logging & monitoring etc.


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