Rootconf 2014

On devops and cloud infrastructure

Shekhar Gulati


Docker for dummies

Submitted Feb 2, 2014

By the end of this session, attendees should expect to have a working understanding of Docker and how they can use Docker to make their software shipping process more reliable and automated.


Docker provides an envelope (or container) for running your applications. It extends Linux Containers, or LXC, with a high level API providing a lightweight virtualization solution that runs processes in isolation. Docker matters because shipping software from development environment to production environment is often hard. It makes the software shipping process more reliable and automated.

In this session, I will cover the docker basic concepts and then explain the difference between a docker container, VM, and Vagrant. I will also demonstrate how easy it is to create a docker image and use it for your development. Then finally, we will look at how to setup a Java development environment using docker.

Speaker bio

Shekhar Gulati is a developer and OpenShift evangelist working with Red Hat. He works to create and foster community around OpenShift. He regularly speaks at various conference and user groups around the world to spread goodness of OpenShift. Shekhar is an active writer and has written many technical articles for IBM DeveloperWorks,, and JavaLobby. His current interests are NoSQL databases, cloud computing, mainly Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS), mobile development, javascript frameworks, and new things happening in Java community. You can follow him on twitter @ shekhargulati.


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