Rootconf 2014

On devops and cloud infrastructure

Leena S N

Leena S N


Continuous Delivery using Jenkins

Submitted Mar 8, 2014

This workshop is aimed at beginners to help them to set up Continuous Delivery using Jenkins and its build pipeline plugin.

The workshop will give an overview of:

  • What is Continuous Integration [CI]?
  • What is Continuous Delivery [CD]?
  • How to setup Jenkins CI server
  • Overview of Jenkins Build Pipeline Plugin
  • Overview of other handy Jenkins plugins for CD implementation
  • Overview of the CD practices such as:
    • Mainline Development
    • Feature Toggles
    • Build Automation
    • Deployment Automation

If time permits, we will also show an overview of how to use a similar setup of CD for Mobile Applications.


It does not matter how good our design or architecture is, at the end of the day what matters is whether our code is ready for production. But the question is, how we make sure that our code is always production ready. As described by Jez Humble [Co-author of Continuous Delivery book] Continuous Delivery [CD] is fast, automated feedback for production readiness of our code when any change that happens to the code or DB or config or the infrastructure.

During this workshop, we will give an overview of Continuous Integration[CI] and Continuous Delivery[CD] and also talk about the practices that are required for implementing CI and CD such as:

  • Mainline Development
  • Feature Toggles
  • Build Automation
  • Deployment Automation

We will also walk you through setting up CD using Jenkins and its Build Pipeline Plugin. We will also briefly touch upon open source tools that help with deployment automation such as Chef/Puppet, Capistrano etc.


Participants are expected to get their laptops with Jenkins installed.

Speaker bio

Leena S N
Head of Engineering @ Multunus Software, Bangalore. At Multunus, we’ve been doing Continuous Delivery[CD] across platforms, languages and framework such as Ruby/Rails, Javascript, Android and iOS [with RubyMotion]. I’ve spoken about CD during DroidCon India 2011 and AgileIndia 2012. I’ve also conducted workshops on TDD in Android using Roboletric during Droidcon India 2014 and TDD in Angular.js during Angular MiniConf 2014. I will be speaking @ RailsConf, 2014 on a similar topic.

Akshay S Murthy
Product Developer @ Multunus. I have been practicing CD ever since I joined Multunus 2 years ago. Also I have worked with Ruby/Rails, Javascript and Backbone JS.



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