Rootconf 2014

On devops and cloud infrastructure

Pratima Singh


Cloud Up and Beyond

Submitted Jan 10, 2014

An end-to-end description of code deployment right from automated infrastructure provisioning to deployment. At the end of the session, the attendees would gain more understanding on continuous intergration and deployment using tools like chef, aws, jenkins, knife etc including centralized loggling anf monitoring using loggly and new relic. The intention is not to promote certain providers but to give an end-to-end solution from a continuous delivery standpoint.


This session would aim at providing insight into

  1. Automated virtual private cloud creation and configuration using aws api end-points, chef and custom knife plugins.
  2. Using custom knife plugins as build and deploy scripts.
  3. Incorporating centralized logging and monitoring using loggly and new relic.
  4. Creating multiple environments and deploying into them using idempotent knife plugins, chef recipes and jenkins.

Basically providing a full view of a devops-compliant code deployment.

Speaker bio

DevOps Consultant at Thoughtworks enabling Continuous Integration and Infrastructure Automation. Wearing a seatbelt while driving continuous delivery and one click deployment across projects.


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