People's tribunal on Aadhaar-related issues

People's tribunal on Aadhaar-related issues

The Aadhaar project was declared Constitutional by the Supreme Court but is today linked with NPR and NRC - threatening our right to have rights.



Accepting submissions till 25 Feb 2020, 12:00 AM

Not accepting submissions

As we prepare for the Tribunal, we would like to invite written submissions or videographed documentation from people who would like to comment on the shortcomings of the Aadhaar project, with specific focus on the issues listed below. These will be compiled along with the rest of the evidence, dig… expand

As we prepare for the Tribunal, we would like to invite written submissions or videographed documentation from people who would like to comment on the shortcomings of the Aadhaar project, with specific focus on the issues listed below. These will be compiled along with the rest of the evidence, digitally as well as in print. These submissions will also be leveraged for follow-up events aimed at amplifying the impact of the Tribunal. Where convenient, we may additionally invite the contributor(s) to present their experiences/ observations directly, either at the Tribunal or at later, allied events. Please submit your proposals no later than February 22.

Please note that, while we will certainly credit the authors/ contributors for their submissions, we are not in any position to reimburse any costs incurred in putting together the submissions.

The issues under discussion include, but are not limited to:

  1. Writings, research papers, analyses, and videos relating to Aadhaar linking with welfare schemes like PDSrRations, MGNREGA, Midday Meal Scheme, various healthcare programmes, or any of the 2000-odd schemes under Direct Benefit Transfer.
  2. Technical analyses, reports, videos on the technical design aspects of the Aadhaar project, e.g. Aadhaar Information Security, Deduplication, Aadhaar Errors.
  3. Writings, reports, and videos of Aadhaar API applications, including eKYC, e-Sign, Aadhaar Payment Bridge System, Aadhaar-enabled Payment System (AePS), IndiaStack, etc.
  4. Writings, reports, and videos detailing the excessive use of the Aadhaar number for surveillance by police departments or private companies mandating quoting the Aadhaar number creating a form of function creep, and on the implications of mandating linking of the Aadhaar number to a host of private databases.
  5. Reviews, legal analyses, and ramifications of the Aadhaar project and associated laws, rules, and judgements.
Make a submission

Accepting submissions till 25 Feb 2020, 12:00 AM

Hybrid access (members only)

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The Rethink Aadhaar campaign has been working to widen the conversation around the Aadhaar project and its impact on the lives and livelihood of Indians. Since 2015, the campaign has been a platform through which on-ground movements, researchers, and legal scholars convey critiques of the project t… more