Aug 2018
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18 Sat 08:35 AM – 04:55 PM IST
19 Sun
Abhay V Pai
Submitted Jun 7, 2018
Simple Good looking website, where we will manage the content in the website from Drupal.
Things to know:
HTML5, SASS, Javascript, nodejs, modular approach, Rest API, Drupal 8.
We will use Drupal 8 as cms, and use the core module of rest to give the output in json format. We will catch that json formatted data using Javascript in the frontend. and just display the data using html.
You can share the publishing article wherever and whenever you want.
User Experience is easily handled/controlled.
You can update your frontend platform keeping the data, so that you wont recreate all content.
Drupal, HTML, Headless, JS, Nodejs, SASS, Modular Approach.
Drupal Themer L2
{{ gettext('Login to leave a comment') }}
{{ gettext('Post a comment…') }}{{ errorMsg }}
{{ gettext('No comments posted yet') }}