Sep 2017
11 Mon
12 Tue
13 Wed
14 Thu 08:30 AM – 05:45 PM IST
15 Fri
16 Sat
17 Sun
Sep 2017
11 Mon
12 Tue
13 Wed
14 Thu 08:30 AM – 05:45 PM IST
15 Fri
16 Sat
17 Sun
Glen Maddern 😎
Submitted Aug 8, 2017
Building user interfaces on the web is hard, because the web, and thus CSS, was inherently made for documents. Because interactive UIs fundamentally differ from flat documents, we’ve seen a mindset shift towards building component-based systems.
That progression has lead to a rise in options for including your CSS in your JavaScript code, much the same way that libraries like React have done for your HTML. But what can we learn from the progress of the past, and what do we choose to include in a new library?
This talk will cover how the design goals of styled-components have helped it become the most popular alternative for CSS-in-JS. But more broadly than that, it will look at the progression from documents, through components, to an exciting new possibility of an inclusive, unified workflow for UI on the web and elsewhere.
This will be adapted and lengthened from a recent talk at a local conference, slides are here:
Glen Maddern is an independent front-end web developer, consultant & educator. He’s the producer of Front End Center, the co-creator of Styled Components & CSS Modules and an organiser of CSSConf AU & JSConf AU.
Sep 2017
11 Mon
12 Tue
13 Wed
14 Thu 08:30 AM – 05:45 PM IST
15 Fri
16 Sat
17 Sun
Hosted by
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