PWL Sep 2020: "The Tail at Scale"

Ideas behind building large scale latency tolerant distributed systems.

Software techniques that tolerate latency variability are vital to building responsive large-scale web services. Systems that respond to user actions quickly, within 100ms, feel more fluid and natural to users than those that take longer. Improvements in Internet connectivity and the rise of warehouse-scale computing systems have enabled web services that provide fluid responsiveness while consulting multi-terabyte datasets spanning thousands of servers. For example, the Google search system updates query results interactively as the user types, predicting the most likely query based on the prefix typed so far, performing the search, and showing the results within a few tens of milliseconds.

This is a “Papers We Love” meetup. We will discuss the paper - The Tail at Scale - by Jeff Dean and Luiz André Barroso.

** Reader: ** [Piyush Goel] ( will present the paper. Piyush is vice president of engineering at Capillary Technologies. He has vast experience building systems from the ground up. Piyush is also an active community member and passionate about sharing insights from his work.

If you’d like to respond to the discussion, nominate yourself by leaving a comment here -


  • It is recommended that everyone comes to the session having read the paper.
  • The speaker will present the paper and keep the session interactive with the audience.
  • We will discuss the paper and ancillary topics around it and how they are used in other systems.

Participation: Registered members will receive the Zoom link. Or, you can watch the discussion live stream via this page.

Slides -


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Piyush Goel

9 minutes17 September 2020

Hosted by

What was the last paper within the realm of computing you read and loved? What did it inspire you to build or tinker with? Come share the ideas in an awesome academic/research paper with fellow engineers, programmers, and paper-readers. Lead a session and show off code that you wrote that implement… more