Redis Miniconf

All about Redis, the swiss army knife of scalable web apps

Sripathi Krishnan


Redis Memory Optimization

Submitted Mar 18, 2014

  1. Diagnose and identify memory problems in Redis
  2. Design data structures to get the best performance from Redis.


The session assumes participants are familiar with Redis and its data structures.

  1. Overview of Redis internal data structues (Integer Set, Zipmap & Ziplist, Hashmap, SkipLists, Double Linked Lists and so on)
  2. What can a developer do to reduce memory usage?
  3. How do you diagnose memory problems in production?

(DRAFT - Will be refined later)

Speaker bio

I am the author of Redis RDB Tools, a library to work with Redis Dump Files. Among other things, rdbtools provides a memory profiler for Redis. Over the years, Rdbtools has helped many companies to diagnose memory problems.

I am also an active member of the Redis community. I am frequently seen on StackOverflow, answering questions on Redis. Here is quick link to all my answers on stackoverflow

By day, I am Co-founder and Director Engineering at HashedIn Technologies. My role involves designing large scale systems with great performance and high availability. I routinely use Redis as an object cache, as a queue, and for its pub-sub capabilities.


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