Meta Refresh 2016

The web in your pocket

priyanka palanikumar


Filling cracks for a seamless checkout experience

Submitted Aug 29, 2016

The ecommerce industry is one of the fastest growing paradigm in B2C market. From selling goods to services, the customer base for the internet industry is exemplary. Every major internet company is focused on achieving a competitive edge over the others and have increased efforts in innovative marketing to boost up sales in the recent years. This crisp talk focuses on a basic model and methodology used to combine with the total Checkout value data for merchants to understand the user navigation patterns and the drop off areas.

This model was created and tested with a segregation of two type of merchants (services and goods) and has proven to form a starting point to understand User drop off points, Website navigation pain points and opportunities to help increase the share of checkout and also emulate a seamless checkout flow for the User.


Four pillars of an ecommerce website
Creating the user case for your website
Marking User task flow for pattern identification
Total Checkout value
Combining the data and the pillars


Note and pen (if needed)

Speaker bio

I started my career with a developer mind set and the inquisitive nature of how the user thinks made me move from development side to the User experience side. I pursued my masters education from Manchester Business School where Human computer Interaction formed the base of my answers to what User experience was all about. After exploring different work cultures from service based industry to an interesting startup, I landed up in PayPal where I currently work as UX analyst trying to make a difference to the digital payments world. During my tenure in PayPal I majorly contributed in the solution discovery program for 3 PayPal products.


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