Meta Refresh 2014

On the construction of user interface on the web

Priyanka Herur


Modern web graphics design using SVG

Submitted Dec 9, 2013

This talk will cover all facets of designing assets through SVG. This will be covered with examples.
Things that will be discussed in detail:

  1. What, Why and where you need SVG?
  2. Elements such as path along with properties such as backgrounds and patterns
  3. Clipping, Masking and Blending
  4. SVG filters and animation
  5. SVG libraries such as Snap, Raphael, etc.,
  6. Future of SVG


In this session we’ll look at Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG). SVG offers great opportunities to use for graphic elements on websites. They look great on all screens including retina displays. They can be easily embedded in CSS due to their small size. They also offer interactivity which means they can do more then just be an image on a site. These advantages make SVG a perfect addition to create resolution independent graphics for the future web. In this talk, the speaker will show demos and practical examples of how SVG can be mixed with other technologies to create compelling web assets.

Speaker bio

Priyanka Herur is a Software Engineer who has worked for various Web Design tools at Adobe. In the last 4 years, she has worked on applications using SVG libraries like Raphael and other web frameworks like jQuery, Underscore and Backbone. She likes interacting with the user community to better understand design needs.


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