Meta Refresh 2014

On the construction of user interface on the web

Raman Shalupau


Effective collaboration on a complex SPA in a fast paced environment.

Submitted Jan 11, 2014

This talk will focus on the human aspect of web development: organization of an effective workflow in teams; achieving team harmony and a high quality product through automation and other tools.


Issues that will be covered:

  • Ensuring common code standards (putting grunt & jshint into perspective)
  • Parallel feature development (clever use of git, CI, grunt, nginx routing and DNS)
  • 1 step deployment (shortening the gaps between dev/stage/prod environments)
  • Life in production (caching, grunt, version logging, multiple versions in prod, emergency rollbacks)
  • Engineering culture (git etiquette,, commenting, fridays, emotions)

…seems like there will be several talks on grunt/ci of above mentioned technologies. I’ll be putting them within a larger picture of individual and, mainly, collaborative team productivity.

Will talk about achieving symbiosis between git, git-flow, grunt, ci (e.g. jenkins) — how this tools should benefit each other and from each other, share information between each other.
How to make develop features on separate branches and make sure that these branches accessible with ease, and not only on your local machine.
Making apps context aware and work as intended in dev/stage/prod.
I might also cover SPA app structure (with Backnone), if no other talk covers that, and how that impacts team.
How to use git and CI to to revert to latest stable release, in case of emergency.
Devil is in details — ensuring engineering culture that knows what details to pay attention to.

Many examples will be based on experience gained and applied while building Redmart

Speaker bio

Raman is a Senior Frontend Developer at Redmart (#1 online grocery shop in Singapore). Covers everything related to javascript and automation on the frontend and backend. Squeezes milliseconds from Backbone and Node.js. Pragmatically gets things done and helps others in the company to do likewise. Also performs talent acquisition at times.

Previously been hacking in Sweden on an in-browser Lua code editor for Loadimpact;
in NYC for an touch-screen-info-kiosk company;
and in bunch of other places…

Co-organized JavaScript conference in Philippines 2013


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