Meta Refresh 2014

On the construction of user interface on the web

Rahul Chanila


Develop to Design - A guide to emergency design for front-end developers

Submitted Jan 3, 2014

To help developers avoid making design mistakes that leads to jarring user experience. Design is hard and as developers we tend to focus more on functionality. But I believe we need to understand that design is more than making things pretty and goes a long way in developing to make your customer/user happy.


This session will cover:

  1. Principles in choosing and using typefaces, brief difference between fonts and typefaces.
  2. Choice of color befitting your application’s intent.
  3. Design guidelines while designing your own web-application including writing meaningful content.
  4. Things your designer forgot to design. Error conditions, No-data conditions.
  5. Design easier user flows and making the right design decisions with examples of right and wrong decisions.
  6. There are no iron-clad rules to design, just conventions.

My aim with this session is to inspire developers to put in the effort to make better design decisions, while having robust functionality.

Speaker bio

From testing scalable distributed filesystems, I have gone on to develop web applications without any design sense before and through better user feedback improved upon the experience. These are my learnings. I work as a front-end developer at Unbxd.


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