Meta Refresh 2014

On the construction of user interface on the web

Kaustav Das Modak


Automated deployments of design and code for web developers and designers

Submitted Jan 7, 2014

This talk has a three stage objective:

  • To help web developers and designers set up continuous deployments for their projects.
  • Help web development and designing agencies deliver their products early and often, as soon as they commit their codes and designs.
  • Show various tools and resources available which will help them automate their deployments while keeping their costs low but quality high.


Continuous Deployment is the process of pushing your changes out as soon as you make them, and pushing them out every time. It is a part of the larger concept of Continuous Integration. This talk will focus on getting your design and code out to the world (or to your clients) as soon as you commit them to your version control systems. You get to see your changes immediately, with the least hassles taken.

In this talk I will explore how a web development and design firm can use existing continuous deployment tools and strategies to deploy their code, whether in PHP or Python or JavaScript or any other language. Moreover, by following an established version control strategy, those firms can ensure granular control of their code and the way it is deployed. For example, when they push to “develop” branch, their code will be automatically deployed to the staging server, and when they merge changes into “master” branch, the code is deployed to production.

This talk will highlight the what, why and how behind continuous deployment for a web development company.

Currently, with the rise of services like Travis CI and, it has become highly cost-effective to build and deploy our private or public projects straight to the servers on which the final products are hosted. In spite of that, many budding web developers still have to deploy their product manually to the servers and customers. This often leads to a slow process of deployment and needs very careful manual attention to avoid any error. As a result, often someone ends up uploading outdated files or, at times, a wrong file to the web server after making some changes.

So why not automate the entire procedure of deploying your product?

Some web developers think that the overhead taken does not provide enough return on investment. Getting equipped with the latest trends and technologies in continuous deployment will help developers to implement automated systems that can bear the load of the tiresome tasks. Time for web developers concentrate on web development and leave the boring aspects to an automated system.

Speaker bio

Kaustav is Developer Evangelist at FusionCharts and a Mozilla Representative. He is often seen speaking at public events. He loves automating things, but loves to retain control of the automation.

He has over two years of experience managing his own startup web development agency, CodeBinders, where he employed continuous integration as part of his regular workflow.

He blogs at


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