Meta Refresh 2014

On the construction of user interface on the web

Aakash Bapna


All about perceived web performance

Submitted Jan 11, 2014

To understand perceived performance, measuring it, working with designers to fix it and making sure it doesn’t deteriorate again.


This talk will in general cover web performance learnings at Flipkart.

We would start with a short intro to what is perceived performance, why the web feels slow to users. How you could cheat and make the web feel faster right now.

What to measure - moving beyond window.onload and tricks to measure performance percieved by end users. Because webpagetest gives you different results on each run.

How to measure - profiling real users with browser resource timing apis, how we fixed our slow image carousels using data by these apis and associated quirks, browser support. Priortizing tasks which would give biggest bang for the buck.

Working with designers, arriving at “file size” for images. A look at progressive theming we did on festivals.

Using localStorage to improve performance for repeated visits.

Dammn the analytics trackers, how to silent common trackers so that they don’t affect performance.

Avoiding redirects, how they soon get unwieldy and how much it affects perceived performance. Our learnings with URL strategy between mobile and desktop.

Mobile site performance, cheating with prefetching. Discuss rendering performance, pre-browsing usecases if time permits.

Speaker bio

I work at on all things frontend, specfically web performance. Designers hate me and I hate slow websites!


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