Meta Refresh 2012

Web design could use some new ideas. We have the tech now.

Rasagy Sharma

Rasagy Sharma

@rasagy Proposing

Bridging the Designer/Developer divide

Submitted Mar 21, 2012

Discuss how the Designer/Developer gap is bridged at different organizations/particular projects. Share tips & experiences on how designers can make more developer-friendly deliverables (Responsive design, detailed interactions etc.) and how developers can better understand designer’s goals & concerns (“How flexible is this layout?”, usability issues etc.)


From interactive low-fi prototypes to designing straight in the browser, explore & share (pros & cons of) different approaches.

Have a mixed panel with Developer(s) & Designer(s) who’ve worked in varied teams/projects.

Have a few topics decided to kick start the discussion - with inputs from the audience. Then have an open session with questions/discussions as the time permits.

*Could be followed by a more specific session: Design for Developers (2 Similar sessions in Funnel) and Kickstarting Web Design (ie. Front-end engineering) for Designers (Just an introductory session)


Nothing to bring along, but a mixed audience (designers + developers) will be needed.

Also, a moderator to ensure the discussions are on track.

Speaker bio

Would like someone to volunteer (a developer & a designer?)


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